The International Commission on Nobility and Royalty
© Copyright 2005/2009
The International Commission on Nobility and Royalty
Frequently Asked Questions
All the major legal principles that promote genuine and authentic nobility, royalty and chivalry are contained in the following new book. Note what is says in the first paragraph of the Foreword:
The whole field of nobility and royalty is in disarray and confusion. It is rife with falsehoods, misguided experts, phony princes, and counterfeit chivalric orders. Besides the numerous scams and charlatans that exist, there is a widespread misunderstanding of the international and natural laws that govern dynastic rights. This is a field that is truly divided. This sad state of affairs need not continue. If international law is honored, revered and respected, then everything can be set in its proper order. The grand key to this needed unity is the rule of the just, time-honored laws that already exist.
The author is Dr. Stephen Baca y Kerr, JD, LLM, MAT, former special counsel to the Imperial and Royal House of Habsburg, former Professor and Dean of the Law School at the American School of Interdisciplinary Studies. His book is The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law and it is a masterpiece. Note excerpts of what people have said about it:
"It is magnificently done and of great worth." (Adalberto J. Urbina Briceno, Sc.D., Professor Head of the Public International Law Chair of the Catholic University Andres Bello- Caracas)
"It is a goldmine of references and is a valuable account of a [thought provoking] . . . and poorly understood area of law." (Rev'd Professor Noel Cox, LLM, MA, MTheol, Ph.D., LTh, FRHists, Barrister, Aberystwyth University, New Zealand)
"Dr. Kerr has put together a book that is a "one of a kind" providing what is needed to perpetuate the rights of deposed sovereignty. For all those interested in the legal future of nobility and royalty, this is a very important, scholarly and insightful book to read." (LaWanna Blount, Ph.D., F.Coll.T, vice president and professor at the American College of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Como, Mississippi, USA)
"It is written in a clear and compelling manner. It is hoped that more and more people will become familiar with the laws of justice contained in this book." (Thubten Samphel, director of the Tibet Policy Institute of the Central Tibetan Administration and author of the book Falling Through the Roof, Dharamshala, India)
"Dr. Kerr's book . . . is one of those . . . path breaking works that throws new light on a field of study . . . on the complex legal and philosophical sinews that keep alive [deposed] monarchies. . . . This type of writing fills a huge gap within the royal studies field. . . ." (Dr. Diana Mandache, historian and author, Budapest, Romania)
"The author obviously has a deep understanding of international law and how it relates to deposed monarchies and exiled governments. The content is well structured and well written. I accept this book as conforming to the highest academic standards expected of a master scholar and practitioner." (Alexander Arapov, Sc.D., Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of the All-Russian State Distance-Learning Institute of Finance and Economics, a branch of the Financial University of the Russian Federation)
"This has been the most interesting and helpful book I have read in the field of nobiliary law as well as international law . . . . It exemplifies the highest level of scholarly content, clarity and depth of inquiry yet presented on this profound and important subject." (Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, Academician, Institute of Economic Sciences and Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia)
The first volume of 370 pages can be obtained as an ebook for a donation of $10.00 to the International Commission on Nobility and Royalty. You will need to have an Adobe Reader to enjoy it. The ebook will shortly be available on Amazon, etc., but can be obtained now for $10.00 instead of a higher price later on. The second volume is due to come forth later this year.
Click on the question you have an interest in:
(1) You say you want to campaign for monarchy. How will you do this?
First of all, we will run a campaign only if it is warranted in a particular country. We will not waste time and precious resources, but if the opportunity presents itself and the time is ripe, we will focus our efforts and encourage a major change by setting up a campaign.
In doing so, it must be remembered that every land and nation has its own unique culture and personality. Therefore, we must alter our methods and hire native born experts who have a good grasp of the pulse and feelings, wants and needs of the people. Then build a strategy that is tailor made for them and proceed in a flexible manner learning as we go. Obviously, we must obtain the funding before we will ever get to that point, which is a big part of the job of the special representatives and the patrons of monarchy who live in every land and country all over the earth. But we are confident that we will be successful if we are patient and carefully cultivate the potential where it is most likely to bear fruit.
(2) What is the policy of the Commission in regard to criticisms of their fundamental philosophies and beliefs?
The Commission is not inflexible, but much of what we do is written in stone, especially our most basic and fundamental beliefs. They will not vary. Criticisms are expected, but the Commission will not enter into arguments or defend itself. Its policy can be expressed in two old adages:
(a) "Losers knock, winners don't have to." Winners always win out in the end, because time is on the side of truth. The point is, we have neither the time or resources, or inclination to do battle with any "would be" experts or fault finders. We have a job to do, and we do not want to be distracted from it or derailed by detractors, who seem to thrive on doing battle, rather than truly helping the cause.
(b) "Never underestimate the power of doing nothing." This is an old political saying. The reasoning behind it is, if you enter into the fray, you only encourage the mean spirited to continue. It is rewarding to them. They love it. So the best choice is to do nothing in most situations.
Our experience with those who, without making honest inquiry, have judged us, make us all the more appreciative of those who are truly chivalrous in spirit; who are true scholars and gentleman. We applaud those builders who have integrity, common decency and high standards. These are the people who are truly worthy of admiration, honors and high regard. The world needs more people who make positive contributions.
(3) How is genealogy checked for accuracy to see if one has royal or noble ancestors?
The genealogy that is submitted is sent to one of several recognized and respected organizations who hire only accredited genealogists and/or specialists to determine if it is accurate. Not everything can be examined as this would be too expensive. The genealogy is, therefore, spot checked. Continued certification provides the best assurance that all questions or challenges over the years have been looked into, and the data is still considered accurate and represents a genuine line of descent. Unless one's genealogy is royal or a part of an approved Nobiliary Association, most noble or royal lines can only be certified on a provisional level (70% assurance) because the margin for error in genealogical research is so great.
(4) Do you do genealogical research for those who want to discover any noble or royal ancestors?
Yes, but this is not our specialty. We would contract such out to others. Whatever choice you make, we suggest that you use accredited genealogists. If you do, upon that basis, the work done for you has a much greater chance of being certified, because of the higher standard of professionalism required to be an accredited professional. Contact the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists at for a list of approved practitioners. Reliability and accuracy is essential if you want the truth. Beware of the royal lineage peddlers who sell royal lineages that are as fake and phony as a wooden nickel. This will not help you to find royal connections.
(5) Are you willing to accept controversial claims?
Yes. And if the evidence is such that it is clear and convincing, then provisional status will be granted. If the evidence is beyond reasonable doubt, then full status will be awarded regardless of public opinion. As a matter of integrity, what counts is the truth, not if something is popular or not. If the true facts support full acceptance, then it must be accepted as such.
As a statement of policy, we believe in the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Hence, without exception, no one will be given certification and/or diplomatic status under any other standard other than what has been expressed in this web-site. There will be no compromises. This is the only way we can vouchsafe our position and maintain the respect of honest men and women of any nation on earth.
(6) What if a high government official asked you to certify his son’s questionable title?
As a private, service organization, we have no need or desire to please or patronize anyone. Our only concern is to be fair and accurate. Hence, as stated above, everyone, without exception, is certified on the same basis. Our reputation demands that we do not alter our standards for anyone no matter who they are.
(7) Can I find out through you if an individual is telling me the truth about his or her title or illustrious ancestors?
Yes, if he or she is certified by the International Commission, and we are authorized to tell you, we can state that a person is certified. If a person is not certified, encourage them to do so as it would make their claim solid and sure.
If this person was turned down for certification, we, of course, could not give you any information on that individual's case one way or the other. We cannot even tell you if they ever applied at any time in the past. So unless that person had achieved at least provisional status, we are not authorized to give out any information to protect privacy rights.
(8) Do you sell titles or help people find valid titles of nobility that are available?
No. We have nothing to do with this endeavor, and never will. We only validate and thereby certify titles as genuine for those individuals who request such, provided of course the evidence they provide is adequate and can be verified as authentic.
(9) How do I recognize the companies that are trying to rip people off and sell phony titles?
Beware of the Title Peddlers and Title Consultants. There are a number of very prestigious-noble titles being sold fraudulently on the internet through some very impressive looking websites. These groups sometimes boast that they have title insurance and respectable solicitors working for them, but they will not provide you with any protection, as it is all a ruse. Many of the titles they sell are fake or are merely manufactured and/or legalized fantasies. Remember, once they have your money, you are toast. Do not give them any money. Titles must be fully investigated beforehand to ensure proper ownership and legitimacy.
These men are skilled and sophisticated shysters who are very willing to lie to you. They will often ask you to follow them blindly and may get very insulted if you ask them for proof, because this would expose their criminal activities and deceptions.
The International Commission of Nobility and Royalty will not investigate such titles, but will verify and confirm evidence provided to them at a reasonable cost. Two articles have been prepared to protect the public on some of the scams and ways they counterfeit what is real and genuine. (See: " Fake Titles and Counterfeits" and " Title of Nobility Scams") They will suggest ways for you to safeguard yourself before any money is given to any purveyor of a noble title. You can thus be protected from most frauds and deceivers in this manner. But be very careful. There are a number of false and historically accurate, extinct titles out there, and many money hungry, greedy and unscrupulous people eager to take you for a ride.
(10) How does the Commission handle criticisms of claims as there will always be people who consider themselves to be experts who know better than everyone or anyone else?
We cannot provide the basic details and facts about any particular case, without the express permission of the individual involved. The high and important trust to protect personal privacy is sacred. It is something we consider to be inviolate. We would rather be maligned than to break confidence with any constituent.
However, if important information or new facts are presented, we feel obligated in the best interests of the public to re-evaluate whether the certification is still “beyond reasonable doubt” for full certification or whether the situation merits provisional status, candidacy or probation.
It needs to be remembered that certification is not a permanent right once given. It is a privilege that can only be maintained, if the hard facts continue to support it for at least ten years. However, in any case, questionable information, hearsay, innuendo and unsupported criticisms are and never will be considered as a basis for re-evaluating a claim.
(11) Could I have your organization investigate a title to see if it is legitimate before I get involved in the process of obtaining it?
Yes and no. That is, we do not investigate titles per say. We merely verify or confirm the evidence presented to us. Hence, we could fully certify a title as valid, if the evidence that is provided to us is accurate and complete enough to do so. And this could provide you with the assurance you need to protect you from being defrauded. But remember that the highest level of assurance, the most advanced of all, comes from the test of time or continued certification.
(12) What if it turns out that I have been scammed and bought a fake title?
You will need professional help for this kind of problem. Please contact us and see and They may be able to provide you with some needed resources that could help you in obtaining justice, but ultimately you may have to take this person to court for fraud. But remember, you would be doing everyone a favor by doing so. It takes courage and an investment in money, but this would effectively support the cause of truth as well as the cause of monarchy, nobility, royalty and chivalry.
(13) You're a fairly new organization, can anyone be grandfathered in?
No, this would be against everything we stand for. Certification, to us, is the equivalent of truth, and we cannot compromise the truth for anyone or anything.
(14) Will the Commission verify manorial titles?
Yes. We also certify other non-noble titles, such as "Baronet" or "Sir." British manorial titles come with the title "Lord" as a matter of law, but the title itself is not noble or royal.
(15) What if an individual is a knight of some order that has no living sovereign patron, or has a archbishop as a patron? Do you confirm or disqualify such a person?
We do not approve or certify orders of chivalry. However, we accept all orders approved by the International Commission on Orders of Chivalry. All others must be considered on a case by case basis. This is determined by verifying if the individual concerned has been created a knight under the approval of a high noble or royal who has recognized sovereign authority to do so. In our exclusive view, only living sovereigns or the living heads of a former sovereign family, can create legitimate knights who are certifiable. Knighthood is considered to be the exclusive property or right of the sovereign high nobility and royalty of the earth. No member of the clergy or any religion are recognized to have such a high and important regalian right to confer knighthood unless he or she also happens to be a recognized current or former head of state, or is operating under the approval of the living head of a genuine noble or royal current or former sovereign house. The Catholic Church is an exception, because it has a sovereign at its head. He is the reigning ruler of a small kingdom within the boundaries of the City of Rome.
(16) Don't you think it is kind of presumptuous to declare who has a real title or is a true noble?
We are simply filling an important need in society similar to a licensing agency or professional association to certify as authentic those who voluntarily submit their credentials to us for verification. If the facts presented to us are clear and convincing, we certify them on a provisional basis. If the evidence is beyond reasonable doubt, the individual receives full and complete certification.
We are not, however, involved in any way in exposing individuals who have fake or phony titles or false claims of ancestry. If a candidate is rejected for certification, their records are held in strict confidence and those same records are eventually destroyed usually within a year. We will, however, print a list of organizations that have sold what appears to be counterfeit titles of nobility or fraudulent genealogies. (see " Rejected Applications") Such an organization or individual can have their information removed from this list by rectifying the situation to the satisfaction of the applicant.
(17) What about diplomate status?
More latitude is granted in regard to awarding diplomate status and being a fellow of the Commission. This merely requires the unanimous agreement of the accrediting board and the approval of the acting chairman of the board of directors. No specific requirements have been identified as yet as to who will or will not be so honored, except that all certifiable royalty and/or former sovereigns of the earth are automatically considered to be eligible including those who have made special financial contributions to the work of the Commission (see "Contributions")
Other than these exceptions, the general agreement is that the individual must have been recognized or distinguished in promoting monarchy or nobility or in some other important field or endeavor, but this can and should include those who have exemplary service to mankind even though that service is relatively obscure or unknown.
(18) I do not need or want certification, but I have a lot of questions about titles, nobility and royal status. Could you help me?
No. We are not at this time organized to be an information source on nobility and royalty. We presently have a very constricted and narrow focus. And that is the certification of valid titles and/or nobility/royalty or illustrious ancestry. We do not have the time or resources to field questions for the general public. However, there are message boards, books, and other organizations that can fill this void quite well. (see " Helpful Links")
(19) How long does certification take?
This varies a great deal on how hard or easy it is to verify and confirm the facts presented to us. Lineal descent may take three or four months on the average for the professionals to spot
check critical junctures, but it may take longer if more than one line is involved. There is no way to provide a good answer to this question, because too many unknowns are involved in each unique case. For example, in some cases, experts must be consulted and this extends the time involved. For those who are members of an approved Nobiliary Association, it may only take long enough for the correspondence to be received back authenticating the information presented.
(20) What is an example of a recognized and approved nobiliary association that membership in would automatically entitle one to full recognition as a noble or royal?
One is the Union of the German Nobility Associations. In German it is called " Vereinigung DER deutschen Adelsverbände." The following is their website:
(21) Why is the Commission so careful to keep it’s board members, etc. hidden? Isn't secrecy more typical of the criminal element in society?
First of all, many people are fully aware of who these individuals are, but choose along with the Commission to keep their names and identity in complete confidence. The purpose of this is to protect the good names and reputations of these people from being maligned. It is expected that criticisms against the Commission will occur, but the dedicated men and women who make this whole organization work will be safeguarded. We will be loyal to them and pledge our total loyalty to all those we work with. It is unfortunate, but true, that the world is full of critics who love to slander, put down and hurt even the most sincere of efforts. Frankly, criticism is so easy, but it can be very destructive, therefore, we are highly committed to the principle of protecting all who work with us. Should any individual, who is no longer involved with us, desire to reveal his or her identity that is completely within that person’s freedom to do so.
The other reason for strict confidentiality as to who are Board Members, etc. is to protect the organization from being corrupted in any way by influencing any one of the key decision makers through gifts, donations or threats of any kind that could compromise their ability and commitment to be totally objective and fair. Any possible conflict of interests, or personal gain from the merits or outcome of any decision, disqualifies that individual from being involved in any way with that particular case.
As a further policy to protect the integrity of all that is important to us, all that we hold near and dear, no one who works with us may receive any honor, knighthood, title or dignity from any source as long as they are involved and influence any action of the certification process.
It is hoped that all these checks and balances will result in the utmost, the highest, most reliable, and accurate decisions available on earth.
(22) How can I become a member of one of the Boards?
First of all, no one makes a salary--everyone is a volunteer. Every position must be a matter of personal commitment. Secondly, to be on any one of the boards is by invitation only and that only after years demonstrating one has integrity and whole heartedly supports high standards and will not compromise their integrity. Integrity to us is more important than knowledge. Experts and consultants can be hired, but the standards must never be altered or become negotiable under any circumstances.
We encourage you to read and enjoy the articles that follow, which are informative and can deepen one's understanding of the whys and wherefores as well as the true and permanent rights of royalty, nobility and chivalry. The following articles are considered to be especially important and valuable:
For " Contact" information or to join the Commission as a contributor or apply for certification for titles, knighthood, status or ancestry, please first read the " Disclaimer and Obligatory Contract." If you fully agree with them, you are welcome to contact us, make contributions, answer our survey and/or become a part of this important cause. Our goals and mission are to protect the public from counterfeit titles, phony knighthoods and fake genealogies. We also want to certify the true and the genuine as well as promote chivalry, royalty and nobility. We need your support. There is so much that needs to be done. We invite you to contribute and join with us.
Contact or donate through the following:
© Copyright 2005/2009 -- International Commission on Nobility and Royalty. All Rights Reserved.